NIDA - Young People
113 courses found

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Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

Holiday course Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build your on screen confidence as you develop skills in improvisation, character development and script work. Course components Spontaneity: Utilise improvisation skills to build a screen performance. Creative Expression: Participate in fun and engaging acting exercises to develop new creative ideas with others. Text interpretation: Bring to life through the application of acting technique a short written text... [More]
$365 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (95)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build your on screen

$365 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (95)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build your on screen

$365 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (95)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build your on screen

Purchase a 2-day and 3-day short course in the same week, in one transaction to receive a 15% discount off the full price of each course. This offer is not available for online booking. All Taronga Zoo courses are excluded from this promotion. Please call the NIDA Open office on 1300 450 417.
$365 $328.50 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (95)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build your on screen


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Musical Theatre Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

Holiday course Work with a NIDA musical theatre expert to create a short song and story presentation for stage! This is a great way to introduce yourself to the magic of musical theatre and find out just what it takes to become a musical theatre star! Present your song and story presentation to family and friends at the end of the course. Course components Voice and Song: Learn how the voice works, develop confidence with singing technique and performance. Creative Expression:... [More]
$365 Limited inc GST
Musical Theatre Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People musical theatre”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Work with a NIDA musical theatre expert to create a short song

$455 Limited inc GST
Musical Theatre Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People musical theatre”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Work with a NIDA musical theatre expert to create a short song

Purchase a 2-day and 3-day short course in the same week, in one transaction to receive a 15% discount off the full price of each course. This offer is not available for online booking. All courses at Taronga Zoo are excluded from this promotion. Please call the NIDA Open office on 1300 450 417.
$365 Limited inc GST
Musical Theatre Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People musical theatre”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Work with a NIDA musical theatre expert to create a short song


If there isn't a class to suit you, please join the waiting list

Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

Holiday course A fast-paced intensive course for acting recruits: build skills in fundamental acting technique including improvisation, character development and scenework. Course components Spontaneity: Explore stories, ideas and narrative scene work through improvisation. Creative Expression: Participate in fun and engaging acting exercises to develop new creative ideas with others. Text analysis: Bring to life through the application of acting technique a short written text for... [More]
$365 Limited inc GST
Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (44)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>A fast-paced intensive course for acting recruits: build skills in fundamental

$455 Limited inc GST
Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (44)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>A fast-paced intensive course for acting recruits: build skills in fundamental

Purchase a 2-day and 3-day short course in the same week, in one transaction to receive a 15% discount off the full price of each course. This offer is not available for online booking. All Taronga Zoo courses are excluded from this promotion. Please call the NIDA Open office on 1300 450 417.
$365 $328.50 Limited inc GST
Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (44)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>A fast-paced intensive course for acting recruits: build skills in fundamental

$365 $328.50 Limited inc GST
Acting Boot Camp, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (44)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>A fast-paced intensive course for acting recruits: build skills in fundamental


If there isn't a class to suit you, please join the waiting list

Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 11-12

Holiday course Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build your on screen confidence as you develop skills in improvisation, character development and script work. Course components Performance: Identify the given circumstances of your scene, apply actions and pinpoint your character’s objective as you create engaging on screen performances. Characterisation: Participate in practical exercises under the guidance of an industry expert designed to provide you with... [More]
$365 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 11-12

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People screen acting”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build

$365 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 11-12

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People screen acting”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build

$455 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 11-12

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People screen acting”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build

$365 Limited inc GST
Screen Acting Boot Camp, Grades 11-12

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People screen acting”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Identify and experience the essentials of screen acting. Build


If there isn't a class to suit you, please join the waiting list

Writer's Boot Camp, Grades 7-12

Holiday course Identify and develop the essential skills required to write a short script.  Be introduced to fundamental story principles through the practice of writing scenes and create a synopsis for a short stage play.  No experience required, just a love of the written word and a desire to see those words come to life on stage!  Course components * Unlocking creativity: Discover where ideas come from and harness your imagination to develop a storytelling point of view.  *... [More]
$365 Limited inc GST
Writer's Boot Camp, Grades 7-12

<p>&lt;div class="flexslider"&gt;{image name:"2020_Photo call_7-10 (11)"}&lt;/div&gt;</p>

<p>Holiday course</p>

<p>Identify and develop the essential skills required to write a short script.  Be


If there isn't a class to suit you, please join the waiting list

Blacktown Arts - Introduction to Acting Grades, 9-12

Take your first step to explore acting with this fun and practical, one day workshop. Explore improvisation, character development and script analysis. Receive practical advice from your NIDA teaching artist on how to further your creative journey in a friendly group forum for parents and students at the end of the day. [More]
$5 Limited inc GST
Blacktown Arts - Introduction to Acting Grades, 9-12

<p>&lt;div class="flexslider"&gt;{block name:"Demographic: Young People acting alternate"}&lt;/div&gt;</p>

<p>Take your first step to explore acting with this fun and practical, one day workshop.


If there isn't a class to suit you, please join the waiting list

Acting for Stage and Screen, Grades 7-10

Holiday course Experience the power of voice, movement and improvisation as you rehearse and perform scenes from plays, films and TV. Course components Text interpretation: Interpret and bring to life a short written text for live and recorded performance. Voice: Practice fundamental voice technique and discover why voice training is essential to the actors tool kit. Movement: Experience movement training for the actor, engage your body in physical acting technique. Character... [More]
$455 Limited inc GST
Acting for Stage and Screen, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (88)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Experience the power of voice, movement and improvisation as you rehearse and


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TV Presenting @ Taronga Zoo, Grades 7-10

Holiday course Design and film a television lifestyle program set at Taronga Zoo. Develop skills in TV presenting and reporting as you learn to enhance your on-screen presence and increase your confidence. Receive a copy of your segment. Course components Presenting: Understand and apply TV presenting technique. Collaboration: Engage in a group creative process to develop an original TV lifestyle program. Vocal Expression: Learn how the voice works and develop vocal confidence in a... [More]
$515 Limited inc GST
TV Presenting @ Taronga Zoo, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Design and film a television lifestyle program set at Taronga Zoo. Develop


If there isn't a class to suit you, please join the waiting list

Auditions and Screen Tests, Grades 7-10

Holiday course Become confident in how to present yourself to a theatre or screen director, practice auditions for theatre, film and TV. Participate in a ‘mock audition’, receive constructive feedback on your audition preparation and technique. Course components Text interpretation: Interpret and bring to life a short written text for live and recorded performance. Industry knowledge: Learn what casting agents and directors expect from actors through the casting process. Audition... [More]
$365 Limited inc GST
Auditions and Screen Tests, Grades 7-10

<p><div class="flexslider">{image name:“2020_Photo call_7-10 (36)”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Become confident in how to present yourself to a theatre or screen director,

Purchase a 2-day and 3-day short course in the same week, in one transaction to receive a 15% discount off the full price of each course. This offer is not available for online booking. All Taronga Zoo courses are excluded from this promotion. Please call the NIDA Open office on 1300 450 417.

If there isn't a class to suit you, please join the waiting list

Musical Theatre Boot Camp, Grades 11-12

Holiday course Work with a NIDA musical theatre expert to create a short song and story presentation for stage. This is a great way to introduce yourself to the magic of musical theatre and find out just what it takes to become a musical theatre star. Course components Singing: Focus on developing your vocal range and ability through singing intensives. Acting: Apply NIDA acting technique to song lyrics to unlock the meaning behind the words. Dancing: Perform choreographed routines... [More]
$365 Limited inc GST
Musical Theatre Boot Camp, Grades 11-12

<p><div class="flexslider">{block name:“Demographic: Young People musical theatre”}</div></p><h2 id="Holidaycourse">Holiday course</h2><p>Work with a NIDA musical theatre expert to create a short song


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